Lee Tokouzis

Greece Sotheby’s International is the exclusive affiliate of Sotheby’s Concierge Auctions in Greece offering for the first time to the Greek home owners the option of selling real estate through a Sotheby’s Auction!

Our extensive database of qualified buyers and cutting-edge digital platform streamline the process, connecting sellers of unique properties with the right buyers swiftly and efficiently. For buyers, this curated market and streamlined process provide an exciting and transparent way to find your dream luxury property.

The Challenge with Luxury Properties: Luxury homes are unique and often challenging to value and sell. Traditional methods can result in homes languishing on the market for years, ultimately selling for far less than their true worth.

The Cost of Time: In the luxury market, time is even more valuable than money. Recent data shows top-tier properties across the US are selling for 10% less and taking an average of 300 days to close. Homes on the market for over 180 days often take twice as long to sell.

Our Solution: We specialize in connecting sellers of exceptional properties with the ideal, qualified buyers. Our approach delivers unmatched reach, rapid results, and certainty in a process that can otherwise be lengthy and unpredictable.

Let us put our expertise to work for you.

60 Days, from Sign to Sell

Our process is 60 days, from the day you sign up to the day the bidding ends. Typically, our platform will garner 200-400 inquiries, 25-50 showings, and 3-7 bidders via a four-pronged approach:

1. Package your property for market,

2. Expose it globally to insiders who hear about your property first (our proprietary database includes 825,000+ contacts)

3. Engage the local market

4. Facilitate a fast and easy closing (as-is, where-is, contingency-free)

Are you interested in learning more about auction possibilities? Contact us today! We’ll help you assess if it’s the right strategy for you.