NESTLED within the picturesque Côte d’Azur, a gem held dear by the illustrious Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly, is now available. The enchanting Les Moulins du Villars, located in Gilette, served as a cherished haven for the princess during the final years leading up to her passing in 1982. Presently listed by Côte d’ Azur Sotheby’s International Realty, this historic converted mill is a piece of regal history.
The history of Les Moulins du Villars traces back to the early 17th century. Grace Kelly and her daughter, Princess Caroline, first graced its charming interiors in June 1980. The princess returned repeatedly over the next two years, fostering a deep connection with the estate. Intriguingly, the house still holds traces of its past, including several statues bestowed upon it by Grace Kelly herself.
The journey of this estate through time is remarkable. Once an operational mill, the property underwent transformations that matched its rising prominence. Count Jean Fernand Joseph Gouin de Roumilly, an astute buyer, acquired the sprawling 6,500-acre estate in the 1970s, swiftly making it a playground for celebrities and royalty. Following a change of ownership in the 1990s, the property saw further enhancements, including garden transformations and stone wall reconstruction under Dutch entrepreneurship.
In 2006, the reins of this storied estate were taken up by its proprietors. A significant restoration endeavour in 2010 rejuvenated the main villa, seamlessly blending its rich history with contemporary comforts. Les Moulins du Villars now offers a harmonious convergence of timeless elegance and modern luxury.
The estate embodies opulence with seven bedrooms, an independent guesthouse, an infinity pool, an extensive wine cellar, a gym, tennis courts, and a helipad. The main reception room pays homage to its milling heritage, featuring the preserved mill wheel encased in glass at its heart.
The setting of Gilette, a tranquil town merely an hour’s drive from Nice along the French Riviera, adds to the allure of this remarkable property.
The property is listed exclusively through Côte d’Azur Sotheby’s International Realty.